Agglomeration Greenway left bank

Designed as a linear park of 3.5 km, the greenway is part of the implementation of the Franco-Vaud-Geneva Agglomeration Project, which extends from west to east from the regional center of Saint-Genis in the Ain to the regional center of Annemasse in Haute-Savoie. The section between the Eaux-Vives train station and the Foron river is linked to the realization of the CEVA rail link and offers a soft mobility network in a landscape continuity. By favouring an overall vision that takes into account the facilities, public spaces and districts crossed, the project revitalizes the bangs and the connections of the greenway.

landscape / implementation
year – 2018
client – ​​CEVA – Canton of Geneva and CFF
area – 3.5km
team – study: Gilbert Henchoz (landscape architect), Trafitec consulting engineers SA (mobility engineers), CSD engineers SA (civil engineers); execution: AJS civil engineers SA (civil engineers), Gilbert Henchoz (landscape architect)
photo – Olivier Zimmermann and Pascal Tea

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