Promenade and square Agasse Weber

The Agasse Weber Promenade is an extension of the Eaux-Vives station development by reclaiming former railway land reserves, roads and car parks. The project integrates the agglomeration greenway and aims to establish a continuous public space for the district. The reduction of road-related barriers and, in particular, the creation of a vast pavement within a 30 km/h zone will provide a safe environment for active modes of transport. Between Route de Chêne and Rue Agasse, the promenade is built on the train cover slab and is composed of two strips. The first, to the south, is marked by a concrete pavement. It is used for bicycles and soft mobility. The second, to the north, forms a terrace with planted gardens that ends with steps along Rue Agasse.
The square is laid out from front to back and is crossed by the greenway, with a flower meadow planted with cherry trees and a square shaded by plane trees. The square is protected from the road and delimited by a long bench with lighting on the underside and a fountain.
Best of Anthos (FSAP) 2022

landscape / implementation
year – 2021 (competition 2010, winning project)
client – ​​City of Geneva, Urban Planning Department
area – 3500 m² team – TBS (civil engineers), BCPH (mobility engineer), François Gschwind (lighting designer)
photo – Seraina Wirz, Nicole Zermaten and Didier Jordan

location →
pdf – Plan d'aménagement →
pdf – descriptif →


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