Nightlife strategy

This study, carried out with the assistance of the Institute of Environmental Governance and Territorial Development of the University of Geneva, proposes a cantonal strategy guided by three principles: diversify cultural and festive venues, rebalance the offer between the centre and the periphery and enhance the existing urban potential in order to develop projects in partnership with the public authorities, the private sector and the nightlife actors. To do this, it recommends the deployment of pilot projects in sectors undergoing major changes and the creation of temporary or permanent venues. The Departments of Planning, Housing and Energy (DALE) and Public Education, Culture and Sport (DIP) have presented the study “Geneva by night – a territorial strategy for nightlife, culture and festivities” and have included this new public policy in Sheet A21 of the 2030 cantonal master plan.
urbanism / project
year – 2018
client – State of Geneva, DALE (Department of Planning, Housing and Energy)
team – ISE – UNIGE, cultural actors
location →PORTEOUS projet pilote →
Rapport d'étude →